
Step 4. Final step
Context English Turkish State
manual You’re now done with your setup! You’ve set up your Seed4.Me connection to use PPTP. Click “OK” to finish now, then connect to our VPN server by this connection.
manual connect to VPN in 1 click.
manual To establish VPN connection fast and easily we recommend you using Seed4.Me VPN app. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to install Seed4.Me VPN app on a PC.
manual In case you are asked to save file, click
manual In most cases installation file will be downloaded in the
manual folder. In Chrome and Firefox you can press
manual Ctrl+J
manual to find your latest downloads.
manual Open the file with double click.
manual If you are asked “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?”, press
manual Yes
manual Step 3. Follow installation steps
manual If you install VPN app for the first time it’s required to install OpenVPN driver/TAP adapter. Press
manual Always trust
manual for all prompts.
manual Step 4. Final step
manual Note:
manual Seed4.Me VPN shortcut will be created on your desktop.
manual To access VPN app when it’s already running look for
manual Shield icon in the lower right corner of your desktop.
We accept payments with %s. Ödemeleri %s ile kabul ediyoruz.
Bitcoins Bitcoins
Bitcoin is an easy and innovative way of sending money online anonymously. To top up your balance, send required amount of BTC to the address below. Bitcoin, anonim olarak çevrimiçi para göndermenin kolay ve yenilikçi bir yoludur. Bakiyenizi tamamlamak için gerekli miktarda BTC'yi aşağıdaki adrese gönderin.
Select amount to pay Ödenecek tutarı seçin
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Exchange rate: %.2f USD/BTC Döviz kuru: %.2f USD/BTC
When payment is done, page will be redirected. Ödeme yapıldığında sayfa yönlendirilecektir.
Payment processing may take up to 10 minutes. You will get email notification when it is completed. Ödeme işlemi 10 dakika kadar sürebilir. Tamamlandığında e-posta bildirimi alacaksınız.
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English Turkish
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Source information

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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
app/Locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po, string 1155